Autocross Buying Guide - Select the Right Car
In my experience, autocross can be a very fun and exciting sport. I have participated in several events in my local area.

Brooke Double R - Sports Car That Looks Like A Racer
Sneaking into the group of small but incredibly fast sports cars is the Brooke Double R. It was launched a while ago, but has been updated and improved by a couple of experienced engineers, and this lovely and tiny car is now in production. You get tremendous acceleration and cornering for your money.

Chevrolet Corvettes Are Overrated
The modern Corvette is an interesting car. Definitely cool by any standards and fast by most, but is it overrated? My personal opinion: yes. And here's why.

Drag Racing - The Perfect Launch
Drag racing, a contest between two cars beginning from a complete stop over a<br /> distance of a 1/4 mile (1,320 feet) depends heavily on first 60 feet of the race, or the<br /> launch.  The technique used for launching varies greatly depending on the how the car<br /> is equipped.   The type of transmission, which wheels are being driven, tires, power,<br /> suspension and track preparation all play key roles in how to go about getting the best<br /> launch possible from the car.

Drift Car on a Budget - Part 1, Choosing Your Car
So your interested in drifting and want to start competing.  Well before you can begin to compete you need to have a car that can compete.  This can be a problem.  If you where anything like me when I started out, you don't have the cash to build a Formula D level slide machine. So what do you do?  Well, do what I did, build a drift car on a budget!

Drifting and the Popular Culture of Drift Racing
Despite the dangers of drifting, it has become a prominent hobby and style of racing around the world. Notorious for their drift racing skills, Japan has been the Country of choice for drifting; featured in films such as "The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift."

Drifting for Beginners - How to Drift Your Car in 3 Easy Steps
Before you go and drift your car into a pole, read this essential beginners drifting lesson so you can learn how to drift like the pros and avoid the embarrassment of telling your friends that you totalled your car trying to drift.

Financing Car Parts - The Do's and Dont's
Should you finance car parts? What are some of the pro's and con's of loaning money to buy car parts? We take a look at car part financing and help you decide if it's for you or not!

How Your Choice in Cars Reflects Your Personality
This article discusses a few points on car selection and personality. Cars have long stopped being tools that get us from one point to another and have transformed into status symbols and reflect the driver's values and personality.

New Vs. Used Car Performance Parts: Which Way to Go?
Maintenance is to the car what food is to the body. For a motor vehicle to function properly, it needs constant maintenance. The maintenance takes the form of cleaning and replacing worn out parts with performance accessories. Car accessories are subject to wearing out. When automobile accessory wears out, you are supposed to replace it.

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